Unit- I.
Introduction to Research. Definition, scope, limitations & types, objectives, research process, research designs , terminologies; Research project : choice of topic , writing research proposal - objective , hypothesis, methodology, time frame.
Unit- II
Survey methods. Survey designs- sampling , qualitative data, quantitative data, scaling technique; Research methods: interview method, observational method, questionnaires, case studies, action research, & documentary sources.
Unit- III
Data analysis. Types of research data, frequency distributions, bar charts, histograms, pareto charts, statistical tools of data analysis- mean, median, mode, correlation & regression; Report writing: formatting , title page, abstract, body, introduction, methods, sample, measures, design, results, conclusions, references, tables, figures, appendices; Presentations of report: skills & methods, practice sessions on assignments.
Unit- IV
Hypothesis Testing. Concepts basic to the hypothesis testing procedure; steps in hypothesis testing; Type -I error & TypeII error; Two tailed & one tailed tests of hypothesis. Hypothesis testing of means when the population standard deviation is known / not known; Hypothesis testing of proportions; t - test , Chi square test, F- test, ANOVA of one way & two way classifications. Unit- V Point estimation & Non parametric Tests. Criteria of a good estimator, method of estimation, interval estimation, confidence interval, maximum likelihood estimator, rank correlation test, sign test, one sample run test, Wilcoxon's signed rank test, Mann Whitney U - test, Kruskal Walis test. References: 1. Research methodology: Methods & Techniques, by C.R. Kothari. 2. Research methodology for social sciences, A.N. Sadhu & A. Singh (Sterling). 3. Statistics for management, Levin. 4. Quantitative techniques for managerial decisions, U.K. Srivastava, (Wiley Eastern Ltd.) 602 - ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Unit I Entrepreneurship, general concept definition, entrepreneurial culture theory of entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial trade and motivation, entrepreneure and professional manager. Unit II Environment and entrepreneurial development: Entrepreneurial environment, process of entrepreneurial development, training of entrepreneurial, institutions, producing aids for an entrepreneurial development. Unit III Starting a Small Scale Unit-Structure and ownership, Establishment of unit, Project feasibility, Implementation, Tax benefits incentives and concessions.
Unit IV
Financial management of small business- Financial planning, long- term finance working capital management, cash management, recommendation of various committees, role of various institutions, both financial & non-Financial institutions. Unit V Marketing strategy of small scale units- elements in marketing mix segmentation, product life cycles, pricing, distribution channels, export promotion and institutional support for marketing and exports. References : 1. Malhotra & Gupta, Management of small scale industries, Galgotia Publishing company, New Delhi. 2. Desai, Vasant, Management of Small scale industries, Himalaya 4. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management Vasant Desai, HPH. 603 –ORGANISATIONAL CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT Unit - I Concept of change, importance, causes and nature. Organisational levers for change. Perspectives on change - Contingency perspective, Resource Dependence perspective, Population-ecology perspective, Institutional perspective. The Six-Box organizational model. The 7-S framework. Types of changes - continuous and discontinuous, Participative and directive, Planned and unplanned. Unit - II Resistance to change - The life of resistance to change, Change Resistance model, Managing resistance to change, steps to successful change. Managing change - Planning, Internal Resource Persons (IRP) and external agents, organizational restructuring and re-organizing work activities. Unit - III Organizational Diagnosis: Issues, concerns and the framework. Diagnostic Methodology - planning, collection of data and instruments, Qualitative and quantative methods of diagnosis. Unit - IV Interventions in Organisational change - Concepts, types of intervention, Sensitivity Training, TA, Role analysis Techniques, Role Negotiations techniques, Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI). Evaluation of organizational change programmes - concept, rationale, the stakeholders, components of evaluation, evaluation typology. Issues in planning and conducting evaluation.
Unit - V
Managers as change Agents, Internal and External change agents, Steps to successful change. Change Management - the case of Power Sector in Orissa. References : 1. Nilakantha Vand Ramnarayan S- Managing Organisational Change, Response Books 2. K. Harigopal- Management of Organizational changes, Response Books 3. I.Palma, Richard Dunford, G.Akim- Managing Organisational Change, TMH 604 –DISSERTATION AND VIVA VOCE Each student is required to work for dissertation under the guidance of a teacher in any functional area. After the submission of dissertation, there will a viva voce test at the end of six semester examination. 605-E – BUSINESS Unit- I Introduction to E-Commerce and Physical Commerce. Different types of E-Commerce, E-commerce Scenarios, Advantages & Disadvantages of E-Commerce, and Business Models for E-Commerce. Unit- II Internet and WWW, Basic Network Architecture, WEB system Architecture, URL, Overview of the HTTP, Web Page Designing using HTML, Presenting our oneness sters. Unit- III B2B E-Commerce, Characteristics of B2B EC, Models of B2B EC, supplier-oriented and Buyer- oriented Market Place, JIT, Other B2B Models, Auctions and Services, the Role of Software Agents for B2B EC, E-Marketing in B2B and Management issues. Unit- IV Electronic Payment Systems, SSL & SET protocols, Security Schemes in e-Payment Systems, Basic Cryptography for enabling E-Commerce, Managerial issues for E-Payment system. Unit- V Economics, Global and other issues in E-Commerce and Software Agents. References: 1. Chan, Lee, Dillon & Chang – E-Commerce Fundamentals & Applications, WILEY. 2. P.T.Joseph – E-Commerce: A Managerial Perspective, PHI. 3. Turban, Lee, King & Chung – E-Commerce, Pearson Education. 4. C.S.V.Murthy – E-Commerce, Himalaya Publishing House
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